Wednesday, August 6, 2008

An Exercise in Scale: VY Canis Majoris

Here’s your mind boggling moment of the day.

The pictures here depict a star (the bright dot in the middle) and it’s solar ejecta.

This is no ordinary star.

The star, VY Canis Majoris, is 1800 to 2100 times the size of our sun. It is the largest known star in the galaxy, and if placed in our solar system, would extend to Saturn’s orbit. If for some mentally deranged reason you wanted to walk the circumference of VY Canis Majoris, assuming a walking speed of 3 mph/8 hours a day and a suit somehow capable of protecting you from temperatures reaching five goddamn thousand degrees Fahrenheit, it would take you approximately six hundred and fifty thousand years to get back to where you started. Compare that to the paltry 310 years required to walk around Sol, our sun, or the downright pedestrian and very reasonable 2 years 7 months to complete a circuit around the Earth.

So, now we that we have a better idea of how fucking gigantic this combusting ball of flammable gasses is, consider its solar ejecta. It easily extends at least ten times the diameter of the sun itself, which is, well, beyond any sane person’s ability to comprehend. I give up.

Arecibo Observatory: Listening to the heavens

"Listening to the heavens"?! What the Fuck kind of shit title is that?! What ever happened to cynicism? Hubris?! Cowering under your monotonously gray cubicle in the face of an existential-crisis-inducing MegaCreation of God Almighty?!

"Listening to the Heavens".......

Sounds like some humanist Jodi Foster Bullshit to me.

How about: "HOLY THIRD-WORLD APPROPRIATING SHIT! That's a big goddamned upside-down nipple dish."

Monday, August 4, 2008

The Burning Gates

In this week's Soviet Disaster Corner, I humbly present the Burning Crater of Darvaza.

(Note the tourists for scale) Located in the middle of a Turkmenistan desert, this giant burning hole is the result of natural gas prospecting undertaken by the Soviets in 1971. When they accidentally stumbled across a huge pocket of natural gas, their drilling rig collapsed creating the crater in the process. To avoid the gas killing everyone/everything around, they set the hole on fire. It has been continuously alight for almost 37 years with no signs of burning out.

The locals like to call this "The Burning Gates" and "The Door to Hell." Suuuure the Soviets were drilling for natural gas, instead of OPENING A LINK TO HELL AND CALLING FORTH THE DEMONS OF THE APOCALYPSE TO END THE COLD WAR WITH THEIR SOUL-CONSUMING FIRES OF DOOM.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Fuck-it Bucket

Hugeawseomethings often trigger a crisis of values on an existential level. "Holy shit, that's sweet!" you may say when gazing upon the Hugeawesome power and pathos of an excellently large missile-rocket. "But," you may continue, "this Hugeawesome missile-rocket is designed to deliver a cluster of thermonuclear warheads to multiple civilian targets..." Enter Dilemma at stage left (or right, depending on your political philosophy).

A case-in-point for the environmentally conscious: the MAN Takraf RB293 Bucket Excavator, the largest terrestrial vehicle in human history.

This Hugeawesomething is 95 meters tall and 215 meters long. It can dig 10 meters per minute and is capable of moving more than 76,000 cubic meters of coal, rock and earth per day.

Translation: Hugeawesome strip-miner.

How is one to reconcile this Bucket Excavator's Hugeawesomeness with its blatantly destructive habits?!