Therefore, he has left me no choice but to senselessly berate him, in the way that he has HUMILIATED me on the INTERNET. That is the worst kind of humiliation. On the internet.
Also, you should know, NATHAN, that I am updating this blog, that I love so much, from a Big Important Medical Conference, in a Big City, away from Home. If I can step away from my exhibition booth duties and the schmoozing of foreign Medical Professionals to update Huge Awesome Things from this Cyber Cafe for Doctors, Nathan, I'm pretty sure you can stop refreshing Wonkette for five minutes at your desk and write something.
Look at this smug bastard.

I hope you're happy.
Oh, and here's a fun bonus! I will liveblog this Important Medical Conference!
2:45 pm: the Medical Professional at the desk across from me is apparently doing some diagnostic activities, with his finger, in his nasal cavities.
2:48: The topless boys from the Sonic Scan booth just walked by. They are not wearing shirts so that they may demonstrate Scientific Chest-Scanning Tools. I think I may need to exam them, later, in my hotel room.
2:50: NOT HOT. The booth down the aisle is broadcasting, on their 42" HDTeeVee, a taped endoscopic procedure. This involves Internal Organs, in great detail.
2:55: My booth partner is sending me unsatisfed looks. I may have spent too much time in this here Cyber Cafe. Back to foisting brochures and scanning badges. NATHAN UPDATE THIS BLOG RIGHT NOW.
Update from Nathan! Holy crap Sarah, you're TERRIBLE at blog post layout. I had to fix your shits. They were everywhere. Also, that photo of me was lame. It's differnt now.
Look at THAT Handsome Bastard!
Look at THAT Handsome Bastard!
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