The Large Hadron Collider's hugeawesome apocalyptic intensity is nearly impossible to articulate. Thank God for liveblogging--from the PAST!
4:03 PM Nathan: there is a Hugeawesome update.
4:04 PMjust thought I'd 'touch base' as per that completed Action Step
Sarah: Thanks for that. We'll update the tracking sheet
Large Hadron Collider porn (lots of huge [awesome] photos!)
Nathan: ohh YES
Sarah: i don't know what half the words they are using to describe the equipment are, nor do i have any idea what i'm looking at in the photos, but oh my god PHYSEX
4:06 PM
Nathan: do those 'rescue workers' really expect to save the planet from a cataclysmic artificial black hole by riding around on scooters with gas masks on?

Nathan: do those 'rescue workers' really expect to save the planet from a cataclysmic artificial black hole by riding around on scooters with gas masks on?

Sarah: yes, obviously
4:07 PM
Nathan: the LHC must truly get an epic hugeawesome post. It will be a once in a blue moon Hugeawesome event
Nathan: the LHC must truly get an epic hugeawesome post. It will be a once in a blue moon Hugeawesome event
Sarah: let's post it on the day they turn the collider on
Nathan: but then nobody will read it...because we'll all be dead
Sarah: which i think is august 8th? 7th?
4:08 PM
Editor's Note: This website was destroyed by an LHC-created black hole. The internets are DOOMED.
Editor's Note: This website was destroyed by an LHC-created black hole. The internets are DOOMED.
Nathan: does anyone have ANY idea what any of these futuristic looking things does?i doubt even the designers know what the fuck they were doing
Sarah: massive levels of abstraction. my guess is that no one engineer fully understands what the collider does
4:10 PM
Nathan: this should be posted under a title like "Craziest thing that mankind has ever done. Ever."
Nathan: this should be posted under a title like "Craziest thing that mankind has ever done. Ever."
Sarah: putting aside my inner cynic for a moment, i think this is a totally amazing testament to the ingenuity and collaboration of mankind
4:11 PM
Sarah: we had the opportunity!!
Sarah: we had the opportunity!!
ever heard of the texas collider?
Nathan: but, agreed. I had no idea that that many scientists would be capable of shelving their autism for so long as to actually DO something together,much less the craziest thing ever conceived of
4:12 PM
Sarah: yes, do. you shall discover that we were once the leading force in particle smashing
Sarah: yes, do. you shall discover that we were once the leading force in particle smashing
4:13 PM
Nathan: or...once almost the leading force.....
Nathan: or...once almost the leading force.....
4:16 PM idea!
i'm going to get a margarita as big as my head can be a hugeawesome post!!!!
Sarah: goddamnit nathan.
Editor's note: The LHC is contained in a 27km underground circular tunnel that spans the border between France and Switzerland. Its depth ranges from 50 to 175 meters underground. Holy Fuck:

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