With such a fancy hat and plastics an flowers and forced smiles an a COLLEGE DERGREE, you'd think that I'd be a responsible adult-type that does not neglect a blog that needs love and care and thingS that are awesome and things that are huge.
I must confess a moral failing. It is my turn to update the blog but it's been THREE WEEKS since it's seen any action because I've been 'busy.' I don't have to tell you what that means because I'm sure that you already know. I'd also like to apologize to Nathan, whose heart has been broken by Hugeawesomethings' pitiful cries for help as I have left even the Hugeawesomethings Action Item Tracking Sheet without an update for nearly a month.
I beg the Hugeawesomethings Community to forgive me. And if you have my email address, or my phone number or we're Facebook 'friends' or you're checking out my profile on OkCupid, please GOD call me/message me/do whatever it is that OkCupid-ers do and scold me for my ineptitude and demand an update!
Only then will I have the balls to show my smart-ass gradumated face to the literally TENS of eagerly awaiting Hugeawesomethings fans who have suffered these long weeks.
yeah, that's pretty weak. wait, how long has it been since i posted on my blog?
anyway i saw this thing about the super guppy on the History channel and thought it would be a good HAT post.
quit slackin!
Your petite Super Guppy has some growing up to do, son.
The Airbus Beluga is a much finer aquatic specimen.
Here here.
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