Monday, September 15, 2008


Hugeawesomethings is a little blog--it is a baby blog. It is crass and ridiculous and fully of hyperbole and probably not totally accurate. But it is doing its best to grow up and be like all the other blogs that have gone to school and get good grades and do their best to tell the truth.

And now, thanks to the incredible diversity of the internets, we can all rest assured that someone somewhere will treat this indignant, kid-blog like the grown-up adult-blog that it dreams to be!

This comment in response to our last post is huge--and maybe awesome, but the jury is still out, so you decide.

Thanks, friend of Hugeawesomethings! Serially.

1 comment:

Deirdre said...

That baby is neither huge nor awesome. But I GUESS the hairpiece is at least a little big for that kid, and clearly awesome. So I'll let it slide...