Tuesday, October 28, 2008
nathan where are you & important medical conference LIVEBLOG
Therefore, he has left me no choice but to senselessly berate him, in the way that he has HUMILIATED me on the INTERNET. That is the worst kind of humiliation. On the internet.
Also, you should know, NATHAN, that I am updating this blog, that I love so much, from a Big Important Medical Conference, in a Big City, away from Home. If I can step away from my exhibition booth duties and the schmoozing of foreign Medical Professionals to update Huge Awesome Things from this Cyber Cafe for Doctors, Nathan, I'm pretty sure you can stop refreshing Wonkette for five minutes at your desk and write something.
Look at this smug bastard.

I hope you're happy.
Oh, and here's a fun bonus! I will liveblog this Important Medical Conference!
2:45 pm: the Medical Professional at the desk across from me is apparently doing some diagnostic activities, with his finger, in his nasal cavities.
2:48: The topless boys from the Sonic Scan booth just walked by. They are not wearing shirts so that they may demonstrate Scientific Chest-Scanning Tools. I think I may need to exam them, later, in my hotel room.
2:50: NOT HOT. The booth down the aisle is broadcasting, on their 42" HDTeeVee, a taped endoscopic procedure. This involves Internal Organs, in great detail.
2:55: My booth partner is sending me unsatisfed looks. I may have spent too much time in this here Cyber Cafe. Back to foisting brochures and scanning badges. NATHAN UPDATE THIS BLOG RIGHT NOW.
Look at THAT Handsome Bastard!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
I'm Not Dead, Just Lazy. Also, Colossal Squid, and Overzealous Capitalization of Titles
Let's see. Where's our Huge Awesome Things Action Item Tracking Sheet? Can I even remember my Google Docs login? Hmm. Okay, I'm in. What do we have here? Cluster ballooning... nope, biggest RC plane... I'll pass, Hugest Boar Testicles? Jesus, Nathan, what the hell kind of sick action items are these? You can take care of the porcine gonads, thanks. Oh, here we go. I can do this. Let's talk about cephalopods, my most favorite class of mollusca!
As this blog is specifically about Huge and Awesome things, I'll have to pass on the discussion of the emminently adorable cuttlefish (look! he just wants a hug)

And skip straight to COLOSSAL SQUID.
Colossal Squid are the largest known invertabrate. They can grow to 46 feet in length and can weigh half a ton; large enough to take out sperm whales, and even your mom. Here's one of those handy charts I like so much (sorry it is in Socialist Metric and doesn't feature Your Mom):

In New Zealand, some fishermen managed to snag a colossal squid and drag its carcass home for SCIENCE. These men are heroes.

So, what did science find out about the largest squid ever captured? Oh, you know, nothing special.

Also, this thing:

Scientists call this the squid's "beak" which might evoke images of cute sparrows or toucans or other such harmless feathered friends. In this case, "beak" refers to a part of the squid's body that is, you know, dedicated to rending flesh from bone. I mean, no biggie, right? Definitely not a problem when it's stripping the meat off your own thorax.
So, pretty much everything about the Colossal Squid is fundamentally huge, and horrifying. Therefore perfectly suitable to future warfare! When the revolution comes and you're up against the wall, I'll be wearing a Colossal Squid suit, with swivel-hook equipped tentacles and a beak the size of your face. Who's IN CHARGE NOW, BITCHES?
Oh hey, this whole post-writing thing is actually easier than I remember it being... hmm, guess I could do this more often, yes?
"It's all my fault--please intervene!"

With such a fancy hat and plastics an flowers and forced smiles an a COLLEGE DERGREE, you'd think that I'd be a responsible adult-type that does not neglect a blog that needs love and care and thingS that are awesome and things that are huge.
I must confess a moral failing. It is my turn to update the blog but it's been THREE WEEKS since it's seen any action because I've been 'busy.' I don't have to tell you what that means because I'm sure that you already know. I'd also like to apologize to Nathan, whose heart has been broken by Hugeawesomethings' pitiful cries for help as I have left even the Hugeawesomethings Action Item Tracking Sheet without an update for nearly a month.
I beg the Hugeawesomethings Community to forgive me. And if you have my email address, or my phone number or we're Facebook 'friends' or you're checking out my profile on OkCupid, please GOD call me/message me/do whatever it is that OkCupid-ers do and scold me for my ineptitude and demand an update!
Only then will I have the balls to show my smart-ass gradumated face to the literally TENS of eagerly awaiting Hugeawesomethings fans who have suffered these long weeks.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
The only thing that will save us is the Matrix of Leadership

Sometimes I get nauseous when I think about anything bigger than a house. My biggest fears consist of, but are not limited to: the Marianas Trench, Jupiter, and Colossal Squid, simply because their sheer size is so overwhelming I think these things will eat me.
So, along the line of being eaten by massive(ly awesome) things, I must be the bearer of bad news. The hugest, most awesome thing in existence might not be located in our universe. Good for my piece of mind, bad for anyone who gets off on potentially being swallowed alive by things like the Marianas Trench, Jupiter, and Colossal Squid (ew).
To understand what just went down at the Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, we must start at the beginning.
Scientists "know" the age of our universe to be 13.7 billion years old, so the farthest light could ever get from us is 13.7 billion light years away. This is called the "observable universe." We don't really know how big our universe is, we just can't see further than the age of it. To this cosmic big bang soup we add a little theory called inflation. Among many things, it includes the idea of a BUBBLEVERSE, or multiverse. For the sake of making this whole thing less scary, I'll stick with bubbleverse. This theory posits that there are multiple universes beyond the horizon of our own. After the Big Bang, there were these huge fluctuations in energy that caused rapid expansions in space-time (whatever the fuck that means), creating "bubble universes." This theory is totally LEGIT--Brian Greene says so.
To make a long story short, there are a fuckton of galaxy clusters being sucked out of our observable universe. Meaning, OUT OF OUR BUBBLE. According to space.com:
Patches of matter in the universe seem to be moving at very high speeds and in a uniform direction that can't be explained by any of the known gravitational forces in the observable universe. Astronomers are calling the phenomenon "dark flow."

It could include giant, massive structures much larger than anything in our own observable universe. These structures are what researchers suspect are tugging on the galaxy clusters, causing the dark flow.
STRUCTURES!Eating OUR galaxies!
My friends, your childhood nightmares have returned. Unicron is REAL.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Jules Verne is Dead....Again!
I give to you: The controlled deorbit of the European Space Agency's Automated Transfer Vehicle, Jules Verne!!
(do not be fooled by how lame this video appears in the first 25 seconds, please, K THNX)
The Automated Transver Vehicle (ATV) Jules Verne is an unmanned expendable resupply spacecraft that was launched on March 9, 2008 to supply the International Space Station with propellant, water, air and dry cargo (says the WikiGod). And look at how commodious!!
During its six-odd-month mission, the ATV also fired its rockets to raise the ISS orbit by 4.5 kilometers. Can you do that? I cannot either. More on this (with excellent animation).
More ATVs are being built, and the program schedule calls for a similar re-supply mission to the ISS every 17 months. After its mission is complete, the ATV is destroyed in a controlled deorbit over an "unpopulated" area of the Pacific. So every year and a half the International-nauts on the communist/capitalist/politically neutral space station get food staples and other necessities (along with a sweet new pad...I wonder who gets dibs) and we here on Earth get to forget our temporal woes for three minutes and watch a symbol of technological triumph and international collaboration come to a spectacular, fiery end.
Oh wait this video explains everything. MISISON ACCOMPLISHED.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Today's hugeawesome (awesome in an 'awesome power'--like the violent deaths of the Egyptians at the hand of God sorta-way) thing is the Stock Market! No no, not the market itself, but its massive never-ending COLLAPSE.
Dow Jones 777 (Lucky!!) point drop threatens your parents' and grandparents' retirement funds and ensures that YOU will NEVER be the seasonal migratory high-rollers that they aspire to be.

Perhaps we shall deal with the pain by taking a more measured approach to the problem: we will begin the healing process by spending the foreseeable future focusing on cosmic, otherworldly and altogether non-human hugeawesomethings so as to supplant our temporal anxieties with astronomic, existential anxieties.
And then maybe--just maybe--we'll slowly build the courage again to share things like Cluster Ballooning, the Baikonur Cosmodrome and the Wartsila-Sulzer RTA96-C.

Thursday, September 25, 2008
Oh wait! Let's do a New Feature! Huge Awesome Things AND Investment tips!
Put all your money in booze, guns, and porn. Also, corrugated aluminum, for our new hoovervilles.

Friday, September 19, 2008
On March 19th, 2008, something got really really big and really really bright in our night sky. That something is known affectionately by its friends and family as GRB 080319B.
According to reputable source of high repute SCIENTIFIC BLOGGING DOT COM, "March 19th was an exciting day for NASA. We know “why” it was special, but we don’t know “why why” it was special." Well, friends, it was so special simply for the following reason:
"The optical afterglow was 2.5 million times more luminous than the most luminous supernova ever recorded, making it the most intrinsically bright object ever observed by humans in the universe."
Oh shit Nathan, grab your glaucoma glasses! In other words, brighter than the beacons of hope shining from Barack "Barry" Hussein "Hopey" Obama's hope-eyes.

Here is one of the finest sci-fi renderings of this space-thing-occurrence that we can think about in our heads but not see with our faces (have you taken that Xanax yet?):

Thursday, September 18, 2008
What Post?

Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Not Phallic At All: Taipei 101 & Its Tuned Mass Damper
Let's begin by meeting the Taipei 101 skyscraper:

From its completion in 2004 until July 2007, the Taipai 101 was the world's tallest building. It was only recently surpassed in height by the Glass Cock of the Middle East, the Burj Dubai, last year. Despite this, the Taipei 101 is still a firm 1,670 ft tall at its spire - certainly nothing to scoff at. And as all world leaders know, the height of one's national skyscrapers is of utmost importance when posturing on the global stage. Eliminating the need to whip out one's skyscrapers for comparison during, say, an important international meeting, there is a handy chart available:

"Great," you say. "It's a really tall building. But there are lots of those, especially as evidenced by that handy chart above! Is there anything else the Taipei 101 can offer me, in terms of huge awesome things?" Luckily for you, reader, there is!
Nestled between the building's 87th and 89th floor lies the world's biggest tuned mass damper: a 730 ton concrete ball designed to "stabilize against violent motion caused by harmonic vibration" by "moving in opposition to the resonance frequency oscillations of the structure." Here are some sexy pictures:

You may think that a giant ball would be a liability, not a boon, and most definitely not attractive to other skyscraper-stabilizing mechanisms like those those sassy I-beams. Alas, you would be wrong. Watch the drama below! This tuned mass damper prevents the Taipei 101 from collapsing into a pile of broken, flaccid and incredibly expensive dreams:
Also, it's in a huge dick-shaped building. Penises!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Giant Isopods!

These suckers mature to a size of between 19 and 37 cm and can weigh up to three pounds. Really, other than that, I don't have words. Oh, except for this: "In Northern Taiwan and other areas, they are not uncommon at seaside restaurants, served boiled and bisected with a clean lateral slice."

Speaking of eating, here's a creppy time-lapse video of a bunch of these guys eating a whale.
Monday, September 15, 2008

And now, thanks to the incredible diversity of the internets, we can all rest assured that someone somewhere will treat this indignant, kid-blog like the grown-up adult-blog that it dreams to be!
This comment in response to our last post is huge--and maybe awesome, but the jury is still out, so you decide.
Thanks, friend of Hugeawesomethings! Serially.
The Tsar Bomba: Soviets Take Blowing Shit Up to The Next Level
Voila! The Tsar Bomba. 24.5 megatons of dick-waving strategic weaponry.

This was half of its full yield - 50 MT. For comparison purposes, please refer to the following image that illustrates the relative levels of "fucked:"

The Soviets apparently thought this was an "impractically powerful weapon." WTF? Since when was rational thought supposed to enter this equation? You're building a GIANT GODDAMN BOMB OF DEATH. You're saying it kills too good?
The USSR deserved to collapse for their lack of Truck Nutz. If only they had used the Tsar Bomba to obliterate each and every one of their 1) enemies 2) allies 3) Georgian separatists, they could have seized world power and begun repopulating the earth with the reanimated and cloned corpses of robo-Stalin.
Sigh. I suppose my dream of a ruthless robotic Soviet dicatorship future will have to be shelved, again. Another day!
Friday, September 12, 2008
So, there you were-- stuck with this huge 154 meter weapon of war/Yacht with a giant 12 meter hole in its side. Worse yet, you're hanging out on the Arabian peninsula, and you really weren't planning stepping foot on land getting tangled up with the natives, so there's no way in hell you're going to ask them to help you fix your big symbol of American military dominance on the high seas/picnic skiff.
Thank GOD for Semi-Submersible Heavy Lifters!
The M/V Blue Marlin is a 217 m long, 42 m wide vessel capable of transporting oversized cargo weighing up to 30,000 tons. According to the wiki gods: "Its ballast tanks can be flooded to lower the well deck below the water's surface, allowing oil platforms, other vessels, or other floating cargo to be moved into position for loading. The tanks are then pumped out, and the well deck rises to shoulder the load. To balance the cargo, the various tanks can be pumped unevenly."
TRANSLATION: "Throw that shit on the truck and let's the the fuck outtta here."
Semi submersible heavy lifters are the only vessels capable of carrying objects with huge badass names THUNDERHORSE 2 (below).
And lest you be fooled, the Blue Marlin is not the largest of these aquatic beasts. That honor goes to the Mighty Servant(s) I, II, and III.
Oil and natural gas industries rejoice!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
We're Not Dead, So Here's the Large Helical Device
According to wikipedia, this Large Helical Device was developed by the Japanese and designed to "conduct fusion plasma confinement research in a steady-state in order to elucidate possible solutions to physics and engineering problems in helical plasma reactors. "
Whatever the fuck that means. The important thing is, holy shit, look at that mass of twisted steel! Would that not make the best slide ever?
Check out the inside:
I see a plasma rave party in our future, friends.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
There ain't nothin' like particle smashin' to resurrect a half-dead blog
The Large Hadron Collider's hugeawesome apocalyptic intensity is nearly impossible to articulate. Thank God for liveblogging--from the PAST!
Sarah: Thanks for that. We'll update the tracking sheet

Large Hadron Collider porn (lots of huge [awesome] photos!)
Nathan: ohh YES
Sarah: i don't know what half the words they are using to describe the equipment are, nor do i have any idea what i'm looking at in the photos, but oh my god PHYSEX
Nathan: do those 'rescue workers' really expect to save the planet from a cataclysmic artificial black hole by riding around on scooters with gas masks on?

Sarah: yes, obviously
Nathan: the LHC must truly get an epic hugeawesome post. It will be a once in a blue moon Hugeawesome event
Sarah: let's post it on the day they turn the collider on
Nathan: but then nobody will read it...because we'll all be dead
Sarah: which i think is august 8th? 7th?
Editor's Note: This website was destroyed by an LHC-created black hole. The internets are DOOMED.
Nathan: does anyone have ANY idea what any of these futuristic looking things does?i doubt even the designers know what the fuck they were doing
Sarah: massive levels of abstraction. my guess is that no one engineer fully understands what the collider does
Nathan: this should be posted under a title like "Craziest thing that mankind has ever done. Ever."
Sarah: putting aside my inner cynic for a moment, i think this is a totally amazing testament to the ingenuity and collaboration of mankind
Sarah: we had the opportunity!!
Nathan: but, agreed. I had no idea that that many scientists would be capable of shelving their autism for so long as to actually DO something together,much less the craziest thing ever conceived of
Sarah: yes, do. you shall discover that we were once the leading force in particle smashing
Nathan: or...once almost the leading force.....
Sarah: goddamnit nathan.
Editor's note: The LHC is contained in a 27km underground circular tunnel that spans the border between France and Switzerland. Its depth ranges from 50 to 175 meters underground. Holy Fuck:

Wednesday, August 6, 2008
An Exercise in Scale: VY Canis Majoris

The pictures here depict a star (the bright dot in the middle) and it’s solar ejecta.
This is no ordinary star.
The star, VY Canis Majoris, is 1800 to 2100 times the size of our sun. It is the largest known star in the galaxy, and if placed in our solar system, would extend to Saturn’s orbit. If for some mentally deranged reason you wanted to walk the circumference of VY Canis Majoris, assuming a walking speed of 3 mph/8 hours a day and a suit somehow capable of protecting you from temperatures reaching five goddamn thousand degrees Fahrenheit, it would take you approximately six hundred and fifty thousand years to get back to where you started. Compare that to the paltry 310 years required to walk around Sol, our sun, or the downright pedestrian and very reasonable 2 years 7 months to complete a circuit around the Earth.
So, now we that we have a better idea of how fucking gigantic this combusting ball of flammable gasses is, consider its solar ejecta. It easily extends at least ten times the diameter of the sun itself, which is, well, beyond any sane person’s ability to comprehend. I give up.
Arecibo Observatory: Listening to the heavens

"Listening to the Heavens".......
Sounds like some humanist Jodi Foster Bullshit to me.
How about: "HOLY THIRD-WORLD APPROPRIATING SHIT! That's a big goddamned upside-down nipple dish."
Monday, August 4, 2008
The Burning Gates

(Note the tourists for scale) Located in the middle of a Turkmenistan desert, this giant burning hole is the result of natural gas prospecting undertaken by the Soviets in 1971. When they accidentally stumbled across a huge pocket of natural gas, their drilling rig collapsed creating the crater in the process. To avoid the gas killing everyone/everything around, they set the hole on fire. It has been continuously alight for almost 37 years with no signs of burning out.

The locals like to call this "The Burning Gates" and "The Door to Hell." Suuuure the Soviets were drilling for natural gas, instead of OPENING A LINK TO HELL AND CALLING FORTH THE DEMONS OF THE APOCALYPSE TO END THE COLD WAR WITH THEIR SOUL-CONSUMING FIRES OF DOOM.
Friday, August 1, 2008
Fuck-it Bucket
A case-in-point for the environmentally conscious: the MAN Takraf RB293 Bucket Excavator, the largest terrestrial vehicle in human history.
This Hugeawesomething is 95 meters tall and 215 meters long. It can dig 10 meters per minute and is capable of moving more than 76,000 cubic meters of coal, rock and earth per day.
Translation: Hugeawesome strip-miner.

How is one to reconcile this Bucket Excavator's Hugeawesomeness with its blatantly destructive habits?!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Hello, Missile
“Hello, I am the YAL-1 Airborne Laser--a megawatt-class chemical oxygen iodine laser mounted inside a modified Boeing 747-400F. My design directive is to destroy tactical ballistic missiles and Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles while in boost phase. From 300 to 600km away, I can target a climbing missile and fire my laser for up to 5 seconds, weakening the missile and causing failure from high speed flight stress. Air turbulence deflects and distorts the laser beam, so I use adaptive optics to compensate for atmospheric errors."

"Also, I am a talking laser airplane."