Voila! The Tsar Bomba. 24.5 megatons of dick-waving strategic weaponry.

This was half of its full yield - 50 MT. For comparison purposes, please refer to the following image that illustrates the relative levels of "fucked:"

The Soviets apparently thought this was an "impractically powerful weapon." WTF? Since when was rational thought supposed to enter this equation? You're building a GIANT GODDAMN BOMB OF DEATH. You're saying it kills too good?
The USSR deserved to collapse for their lack of Truck Nutz. If only they had used the Tsar Bomba to obliterate each and every one of their 1) enemies 2) allies 3) Georgian separatists, they could have seized world power and begun repopulating the earth with the reanimated and cloned corpses of robo-Stalin.
Sigh. I suppose my dream of a ruthless robotic Soviet dicatorship future will have to be shelved, again. Another day!
"You're saying it kills too good?"
the thing is, with nukes, eventually you're putting a lot more effort and materiel into blowing up a not much bigger area a tiny bit more and it just stops being worth it from a practical standpoint. if you nuke a city, it's pretty fucked. nuking it a little harder (past a point) and frying a tad more of it's suburbs isn't really making it significantly more fucked for the trouble and price your paying. once you get into the realm of "really F-ing big bombs", the price starts going up almost exponentially as the usefull size fo the blast slows to a crawl; after all, as an explosion is obviously radiating force in all / most directions, that force must rapidly dissipate as you get farther away from the center.
also, as you get into this range, the amount of radioactive fallout increases dramatically, and begins spreading more globally, so you're messing up yourself wherever you set it off... the main reason they set off Tsar Bomba at half strenth was cause at full strength it would have significantly contaminated half of the USSR.P
the MUCH more practical approach is to use several small to medium-sized bombs. a medium-sized bomb is still plenty enough to wipe out most cities, and a really big one like NYC can just be carpeted by several strategically placed ones. medium-sized bombs are MUCH easier and thus cheaper to make, and deliver; most ICBMs today contain 3-12 or more medium-small warheads which can be individually targeted with high accuracy. also, using multiple cheap bombs protects you from one big one failing, or being taken out by countermeasures.
so... diminishing returns?
Personally I think we should just get Chuck Norris to train all of our marines in HtH combat, then we wouldn't even need guns anymore.
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